Tuesday, February 3, 2009


We did our shopping on Saturday, and some hamburger we bought needed to be cooked before it turned into another life-form. I thought chili would be an easy way to use it up, and give me an excuse to open a bottle of beer. First I browned a pound of meat with some onion and added the ingredients shown in the picture.

Just not all of the liquid right away, some of that was for me! Now all that was starting to bubble and it was time to put in some seasoning. The only measurement I'll give you is to start with about 2 tablespoons of chili powder, everything else is to taste.

That's pretty much it, I didn't need salt because of the chicken broth and the only other thing in there is a little bit of corn flour for thickening. We had it with some cheese and skillet cornbread on the side.